Having a hard time holding on to your part? Do you have repertoire that didn’t come with learning tracks? We’ll create a learning track just for you.
Don’t want practice materials, just practice tools? Send us a recording and you’ll receive carefully crafted feedback, personalized tips, tricks + tools for future.
Take your practice to the next level with our Breakdown Tracks. Experience your part at varying tempos, on solfege, and with more love for rhythm + feel.
1:1 consult
Enter that rehearsal feeling empowered! We are here for you, whether it’s for a live practice session, to talk ensemble dynamics, or just to hang; book today!
deep dive
We know everyone is different. Dive deep with customized practice materials, based on your unique needs as a developing musician. Visual aids included.
practice perfect
Prop yourself up with this personalized practice package! Complete with exercises created just for you, breakdown tracks, deep dive materials, and a 1:1 consultation, this really is the full package.